10 years

Thursday last week was our 10th wedding anniversary!!

It’s crazy to think it’s been 10 years! On Thursday I posted all my fav wedding pics to my instagram story…. I’ve had a few friends get married recently and seeing their day on social media made me sad I didn’t get to do that (since instagram didn’t exist when we got married and it’d be another year before we got our first smart phones…) So I thought it’d be fun to slowly post pics throughout the day like it was happening again. It was fun and thankfully I don’t think I annoyed TOO many people LOL.
(I’m not going to post anything here because all you have to do is head over to the wedding tag if you wanna see ALLLL the wedding stuff from 10 years ago.)

So obviously we’re right in the middle of packing the house to move so we didn’t do much for our anniversary. We’re saving the 10th anniversary Disney trip for next year LOL.

Thursday night we just got pizza and I watched RPDR. So pretty lowkey except Chase surprised me with a present. We’d said no anniversary presents (“the new house is our present” LOL) but Chase came home Thursday with a bag.

He’d had our friend Marisa do this beautiful art of Indy, based on my favourite photo of her (where she was sitting in front of me while I was reading and turned and looked back at me). Marisa got her expression exactly right. Annnnnnnnd waterworks.

I had to almost immediately hand it back to Chase because “teary-eyed” was on the verge of turning into “ugly crying” LOL But I love it so much. It’s up in our bedroom now and I don’t think I’m going to pack it, I think it’s just going to stay with us while we move.

Then Friday, we both took half days off work and went to the first showing of Avengers Infinity War that day.

No spoilers but I did like it a lot and THAT POST-CREDITS SCENE!!

Saturday we had our “official” anniversary celebration. We stayed in all day, had a Harry Potter marathon, and cooked all our meals from the Harry Potter cookbook.

We ended up not really using any of the recipes for breakfast — we wanted to do the cinnamon pull-apart rolls but it was a lot of work. So we just got regular cinnamon rolls from the grocery. And we had eggs, toast, bacon and sausage too.

We ate that while watching the first movie. Then we made it through the second one and towards the middle of POA we started on lunch. We cooked the “Sausage Rolls” from the cookbook though we changed it up a bit. We used ground sausage as suggested at the end of the recipe, and did half with the mustard, but we did the other half with cream cheese instead. So we had one of each. They were a bit messy as the pastry crumbled everywhere while you ate it but pretty good.

Finished up POA… made it through GOF and then it was time to start prepping dinner. We had the Beef Casserole, and mashed potatoes – we used the garlic & onion mashed potato recipe that was supposed to be used with a roast chicken. Had the beef casserole (which was more like a thick stew) over the potatoes and it was REALLY good. We also made the glazed carrots from the cookbook but they didn’t turn out so good and we ended up not even eating them.

Part of the way thru OOTP we had dessert – pumpkin pasties! We ended up using a simplified recipe we found online that used premade pastry crust. They were really good!

Once OOTP was over it was late and we were tired so that was the end of our marathon. I think making it through 5/8 in a day is pretty good.

Then yesterday we did a lot of moving boxes into our storage unit and some more packing and then watched Westworld. Yay.

I do have some costume updates…

Tweaked these mockup pieces a bit more and got them sewn together. But, I decided this fabric was really even too thick for this mockup. I’m not able to see the drape especially on the sleeves. So… I ran to Walmart yesterday and found $1.50/yard curtain fabric and got that to do a second mock-up. I ripped this mock-up apart yesterday to use as a guide for mock-up #2. So I’ll be working on that this week.

Cat tax

Art dump time!

2010 battle handmaiden


Had a rough time with this one… I decided to change the posture since the 2010 version was showing the back and I didn’t want to show the back. So I twisted her a bit so you so more of the front but it was such a weird angle to try to get correct.

Tattooine Poncho 2010:


Lake dress 2010:


I’ve also got the family gown like 90% done.

So all that’s left of Padme is…
Ep 1 Black Invasion
Ep 1 Senate Gown (two heavy hitters I haven’t felt like tackling yet)
Ep 1 Battle Dress (working on this next – tho doing it as Sabe and not Padme)
Ep II Cut Senate
Ep II Travel (not looking forward to the pattern all over the dress)
Ep II Picnic
Ep II Battle

And then I was thinking of doing a few of her Clone Wars outfits, since I did snowbunny. The purple one with the Loyalist Committee hair… the pink diamonds dress… the battle suit with the burgundy vest… the blue one with the Bespin-esque hair.. the blue and gold one with the big square hair… and maybe the pink/red robe?
Have I missed anything? (not including Ep II nightgown and Ep III hospital gown, not doing those.)
Ugh I google searched Padme Clone Wars and I keep finding more outfits LOL

